What To Do When Your Attic Leaks

Rain plays a crucial role in obtaining drinking water as well as growing crops and decorative plants. Wet weather can wash out roads, cause mudslides, and seep into homes. During rain storms, damaged roofs may begin to leak, as rainwater may enter the home through attics. Most homeowners vigilantly inspect the roof and attic periodically. If a leak is found in your attic, take the following steps to ensure a smooth and effective resolution.

Watch for a Leaky Attic

Attics are commonly used for storage or other out-of-the-way purposes. If your attic is used infrequently, periodically perform a visual inspection for signs of a leak. Look for puddles or water on a wall or ceiling. Bubbling or saggy paint often indicates a water pool. The ceiling itself may begin to sag after prolonged exposure to moisture. Watch for dark spots or mold, as these can help inform you about a leak in an attic.

Take Immediate Action

Early detection and remediation can potentially save thousands of dollars in home repairs later on. When a leak is spotted, the immediate goal should be to dry the area and prevent further leakage. Contact Entrusted’s team of water remediation professionals as soon as possible to prevent additional damage. A water damage expert can diagnose additional problem areas during the assessment.

With preventative maintenance, inspections, and responding quickly to a leak, homeowners can minimize attic damage while waiting for the professional repairers to arrive. 

If you suspect your attic may be leaking, contact the Entrusted team immediately for a free consultation.